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We all have a story to tell. Some speak louder than others. Listen closely to hear the stories of our ancestors echoing under our footsteps. They are the authors. We are the keepers.

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Kreativ Blogger Award

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am deeply touched that my blog has received a Kreativ Blogger award from the following blogs:

I cannot tell you how much being a part of this genea-blogging community means to me. They say birds of a feather flock together - well, I've found my flock! You are all awesome and I look forward to following y'all each and every day!

The rules of this award state that you have to post seven things about yourself and then pass the award on to seven other blogs. I've decided to share seven things from my "25 Random Things About Me" post on facebook. 

  1. Everyone calls me an "old soul" - I love genealogy, maps, history, and antique cookbooks. I can also knit, quilt, sew clothes, crochet, and bake bread from scratch - basically anything that you would think your great great grandmother would do.
  2. When I get grumpy my husband knows to feed me - chocolate and mexican food work best!
  3. My minivan IS my dream car!
  4. I try to plan my vacations around where my ancestors are buried! ;)
  5. Apparently I have a certain scream reserved just for cockroaches - the kids always crack up laughing when this happens. I'm not scared of cockroaches - the scream just comes out!
  6. Things I have wanted to be in my life: a veterinarian of exotic animals, a molecular biologist, an interior designer, an orthopedic surgeon, a novelist, a pediatric physical therapist,  a history teacher, and a founder of a school for special needs children and adults. Now I want to be an Archivist!
  7. I love people who march to the beat of their own drum. Be yourself it makes everything more interesting. 
Here are the seven blogs to which I would like to pass this award:


  1. Thank You very much!! That's funny that you want to be an Archivist now, so do I!

  2. Thank you so much! Chocolate fixes everything :-)
